Top "Drupal-modules" questions

Drupal modules are add-ons for Drupal that allow you to extend, and customize Drupal functionality.

Drupal Views: Display recent nodes created by user on profile page

I'm wondering how I can display the recently created nodes by a user on their profile page. I've created a …

drupal drupal-6 drupal-views drupal-modules
Adding attribute to option element using forms api : drupal 7

I want to add title="icons/icon_cart.gif" for each of the below options in my select list which …

drupal drupal-7 drupal-modules drupal-fapi
Get current page/url in a hook

In hook_css_alter, I want to disable style-sheets on specific pages. Was ok for the front page requirement with …

drupal drupal-modules drupal-7
Form submit handlers with additional arguments

For some requirement I need to pass additional information to form submit handler. In form api, while defining custom submit …

drupal drupal-6 drupal-modules drupal-fapi
Drupal 7 redirect to a specific page (a tab) after form submit

I'm trying to redirect the page after i submited the form. The form is at the page 'formulaires/demande-de-subvention-pour-les-entraineurs' and …

php drupal drupal-7 drupal-modules
How to disable and uninstall a Drupal module programmatically?

I want to be able to disable and then uninstall a module programmatically on my local environment and then easily …

php drupal drupal-7 drupal-modules
Turning Off Drupal 7's Cache

Is there a way to run Drupal 7 in a "non-cache" mode while developing new modules? My specific need is to …

php caching drupal drupal-modules
how to check if the user is in the admin part of drupal?

How do i check if the current page is in the admin section of drupal?. I want to display a …

drupal drupal-modules drupal-theming
simple example form in drupal 7 with everything configured correctly shows "Page not found"..Why..?

I have installed drupal 7 and have been trying to create a custom form. The below code which am trying has …

drupal drupal-7 drupal-modules drupal-forms
Sending email with attachment

I've a custom form (created with form API) that need send an uploaded file by email. The current form submit …

email drupal drupal-modules