Top "Drawable" questions

A Drawable is a graphics-related term which generally means "something to be drawn.

How can I set the color of android rating bar's stroke? (Not the color of the stars but the BORDER)

I am an android beginner and I want to make my custom ratingBar. Disclaimer: it's not a duplicate. because all …

java android xml drawable ratingbar
Drawable shape not showing when used in combination with android:drawableBottom attribute.

XML file saved at res/drawable/gradient_box.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="http://…

android layout drawable shape
Sub folders in drawable resource folder?

I would like to create sub folders in drawable folder. I have a lot of file(such as png, xml) …

android drawable android-resources subdirectory
Only use XHDPI drawables in Android app?

If you're planning to support LDPI, MDPI, HPDI, and perhaps XHDPI in the near future, is it ok to only …

android drawable screen-resolution
Deep copy of a Drawable

I have an ImageView. In its onClick I get its Drawable: Drawable dr = ((ImageView) v).getDrawable(); And set it to …

android imageview drawable
android 9 patch drawable xml

Is there a way to define a 9 patch drawable in an android xml file? The reason I ask, is that …

android xml drawable nine-patch
Equivalent of ImageView scaleType 'centerCrop' to bitmap drawable gravity

I have created an activity with a header image. This header image is originally created int the Activity's layout xml …

android android-layout drawable
Android ImageButton - determine what resource is currently set

Is there a way I can find what resource a particular ImageButton is set to, at any given time? For …

android resources imagebutton drawable
Android : Rotate Vector Image to 90 degree

I have following code for my vector: <vector xmlns:android="" android:width="24…

android vector rotation drawable
Drawable vs Single reusable Bitmap better with memory?

As I understand it (not that I'm correct) Drawables are generally correctly removed from memory when the application is finished …

android memory bitmap drawable recycle