Top "Dplyr" questions

Use this tag for questions relating to functions from the dplyr package, such as group_by, summarize, filter, and select.

How to interpret dplyr message `summarise()` regrouping output by 'x' (override with `.groups` argument)?

I started getting a new message (see post title) when running group_by and summarise() after updating to dplyr development …

r dplyr summarize
How to melt and cast dataframes using dplyr?

Recently I am doing all my data manipulations using dplyr and it is an excellent tool for that. However I …

r reshape dplyr melt
mutate_each / summarise_each in dplyr: how do I select certain columns and give new names to mutated columns?

I'm a bit confused about the dplyr verb mutate_each. It's pretty straightforward to use the basic mutate to transform …

r dataframe dplyr
dplyr::select function clashes with MASS::select

If I load the MASS package: library(MASS) then load try to run dplyr::select, I get a error: library(…

r dplyr
How to replace all NA in a dataframe using tidyr::replace_na?

I'm trying to fill all NAs in my data with 0's. Does anyone know how to do that using replace_…

r dplyr tidyr
filter for complete cases in data.frame using dplyr (case-wise deletion)

Is it possible to filter a data.frame for complete cases using dplyr? complete.cases with a list of all …

r dplyr magrittr
Finding percentage in a sub-group using group_by and summarise

I am new to dplyr and trying to do the following transformation without any luck. I've searched across the internet …

r group-by dplyr
dplyr mutate/replace several columns on a subset of rows

I'm in the process of trying out a dplyr-based workflow (rather than using mostly data.table, which I'm used to), …

r data.table dplyr
dplyr: lead() and lag() wrong when used with group_by()

I want to find the lead() and lag() element in each group, but had some wrong results. For example, data …

r dplyr
filtering data.frame based on row_number()

UPDATE: dplyr has been updated since this question was asked and now performs as the OP wanted I´m trying …

r dplyr