Top "Double-quotes" questions

Questions related to the use of double-quotes in different programming languages.

How can I accommodate a string with both single and double quotes inside of it in JavaScript

I have an application, and it is fed some HTML. It then needs to put that HTML into a string. …

javascript string escaping double-quotes single-quotes
Escape single quotes ssh remote command

I read any solutions for escape single quotes on remote command over ssh. But any work fien. I'm trying ssh …

bash ssh quotes double-quotes
Make H2 treat quoted name and unquoted name as the same

H2 seems to make a difference between name with quote and name without quote. Is there a way to make …

sql database h2 double-quotes
What is the correct way to support apostrophes in javascript when building up html?

i have the following code: var name = "Joe O'Neal"; var row= []; row.push( "<td><input type='hidden' …

javascript jquery double-quotes apostrophe
Oracle SQL Syntax: Quoted identifier

I encountered SQL queries that looked like select "hello" from "foo"."bar" I found that we can have quoted and …

sql oracle double-quotes
Passing arguments which include double quotes to subprocess using Python

I'm looking for a way to pass an argument which contains double quotes to python's subprocess module, without the double …

python subprocess quotes double-quotes quoting
double quotes escaping in golang exec

i need to run following command: ffmpeg -i input.jpg -vf scale="'if(gt(a,4/3),320,-1)':'if(gt(a,4/3),…

go escaping double-quotes
mysql double-quoted table names

I'm doing a mysql query like: Select * from "User"; and it returns: You have an error in your SQL syntax; …

mysql double-quotes
Sqlite - Use backticks (`) or double quotes (") with python

I saw a similar question in Stack Overflow pertaining to Android, but I was wondering whether I should use backticks (`) …

python sqlite double-quotes backticks
csv import with Python's QUOTE_NONNUMERIC not working as expected

I can't figure this out, maybe I'm getting blind for looking to long on the same stuff... I have this …

python csv double-quotes quoting