DOMDocument refers to a class encapsulating the DOM (Document Object Model).
Hello I have use DOMDocs in the past but I am stuck how to do this. $xmldoc = new DOMDocument(); $xmldoc-&…
php domdocumentPossible Duplicate: How do I select multiple sets of attributes within an XML document using XPath? My HTML code: <…
php html xpath domdocument domxpathI'm trying to select all dom elements that have id="mydiv" but exclude the ones that also have the class="…
php dom xpath domdocumentI have errors when I want to print the result of an evaluate expression with XPath. $url = $xpath->evaluate(…
php xpath domdocument domxpath evaluateI need to process links within an html string in several different ways. $str = 'My long <a href="http://…
php regex preg-replace preg-match domdocumentI'm putting some page content (which has been run through Tidy, but doesn't need to be if this is a …
php domdocument tidyI am a bit stuck on how to reorder nodes. I am trying to add two simple "move item up" …
xml dom domdocument insertafterUsing PHP I'm attempting to take an HTML string passed from a WYSIWYG editor and replace the children of an …
php dom domdocumentI want to create and add a set of <style> tags to the head tags of an HTML …
php css domdocument appendchild createelementI am parsing and fetching html documents to DOMDocument. Those documents are child forms that will be displayed inside another …
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