Dojo datagrid with date and time

noru picture noru · Feb 2, 2011 · Viewed 8.8k times · Source

Could someone here please, for the love of God!, post an example of an working dojox.grid.DataGrid using a, with 2 columns, date and time?

I have tried the following :

<th field="startdate" cellType="dojox.grid.cells._Widget" widgetClass="dijit.form.DateTextBox" editable="true" formatter="formatDate"></code></pre> and 
<th field="starttime" cellType="dojox.grid.cells._Widget" widgetClass="dijit.form.TimeTextBox" editable="true" formatter="formatDate">

Also :

<th field="startdate" cellType="dojox.grid.cells.DateTextBox" editable="true" formatter="formatDate"></code></pre> and 
<th field="starttime" cellType="dojox.grid.cells._Widget" widgetClass="dijit.form.TimeTextBox" editable="true" formatter="formatDate">

but nothing seems to work. It's been two days now and I've been reading tons of documentation and reports but I couldn't find a working example anywhere.


I am now facing the weirdest issue in my programmer's career : the grid is now working fine with DateTextBox and TimeTextBox (this case works in Firefox 3.6.6 and in 3.6.14pre, Internet Explorer 8 and Google Chrome.), except for the following :

In Firefox 3.6.13, with an even number of items in the grid, when I try editing the time or date of one element the widget box appears in the top left corner, the date isn't selected properly and the browser crashes with the CPU going to 100%.

However, if the number of items is odd the editing of date and time works just fine. I have absolutely no idea of what to do so please bounce some ideas.


Jakob Aar&#248;e Dam picture Jakob Aarøe Dam · Feb 3, 2011

There is an example of what you are trying to do in the dojo test suite. It's not actually using the JsonRestStore but that doesn't matter.

The best dojo documentation around are the tests.