Top "Dojo" questions

Dojo Toolkit is an open source modular JavaScript library designed to ease the rapid development of cross-platform, JavaScript/Ajax-based applications and web sites.

Is there a data structure like the Java Set in JavaScript?

I want to use a data structure in JavaScript that can be used to store number of IDs. I should …

java javascript dojo set
Programmatically set the selected value of a dijit Select widget

I'm populating a dijit select widget with options whenever another select widget's value changes. In my app, theres a dropdown …

Dojo Dialog with confirmation button

I would like to add a generic dialog with "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons support callback functions. How can I achieve …

javascript dojo
jQuery / Dojo - How do I use jQuery with Dojo toolkit

How do I use jQuery with Dojo toolkit? I've heard of both libraries being used simultaneously, jQuery for DOM-related and …

javascript jquery dojo
Dojo dojo.rawXhrPost and dojo.xhrPost

My question is: can we use dojo.xhrPost to post some Json data? More detail: I have been experimenting with …

json dojo
Detect whether postMessage can send objects?

I'm looking for a neat way to detect whether postMessage in the browser supports the sending and receiving of objects …

javascript html dojo web-worker postmessage
Fast, lightweight XML parser

I have a specific format XML document that I will get pushed. This document will always be the same type …

java xml json dojo
onchange wont fire after programmatically changing html select dropdown

I have a select inside HTML <select id="league" name="league"> which I'm listening for changes inside my …

javascript html dojo
Loading Dojo dijit CSS from CDN

I am quite new to dojo world. Using dojo with google's CDN is well and Fine. But while using dijit …

Dojo dialog close event on X (top-right)

Im using Dojo to create a simple dialog to create a user in a system. The problem is I get …

javascript button dojo dialog