I am trying to mount S3 as a volume on AWS ECS docker container using rexray/s3fs driver.
I am able to do this on my local machine, where I installed plugin
$docker plugin install rexray/s3fs
and mounted S3 bucket on docker container.
$docker plugin ls
3a0e14cadc17 rexray/s3fs:latest REX-Ray FUSE Driver for Amazon Simple Storage true
$docker run -ti --volume-driver=rexray/s3fs -v s3-bucket:/data img
I am trying replicate this on AWS ECS.
Tried follow below document: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/docker-volumes.html
If I give Driver value then task is not able to run and giving "was unable to place a task because no container instance met all of its requirements." error.
I am using t2.medium instance and giving of it requirement for task so it should not be H/W requirement issue.
If I remove the Driver config from Job definition task gets executed.
It seems I am miss configuring something.
Is anyone trying/tried same thing, please share the knowledge.
Your approach of using the rexray/s3fs driver is correct.
These are the steps I followed to get things working on Amazon Linux 1.
First you will need to install s3fs.
yum install -y gcc libstdc+-devel gcc-c+ fuse fuse-devel curl-devel libxml2-devel mailcap automake openssl-devel git gcc-c++
git clone https://github.com/s3fs-fuse/s3fs-fuse
cd s3fs-fuse/
./configure --prefix=/usr --with-openssl
make install
Now install the driver. There are some options here you might want to modify such as using an IAM role instead of Access Key and AWS region.
docker plugin install rexray/s3fs:latest S3FS_REGION=ap-southeast-2 S3FS_OPTIONS="allow_other,iam_role=auto,umask=000" LIBSTORAGE_INTEGRATION_VOLUME_OPERATIONS_MOUNT_ROOTPATH=/ --grant-all-permissions
Now the very important step of restarting the ECS agent. I also update for good measure.
yum update -y ecs-init
service docker restart && start ecs
You should now be ready to create your task definition. The important part is your volume configuration which is shown below.
"volumes": [
"name": "name-of-your-s3-bucket",
"host": null,
"dockerVolumeConfiguration": {
"autoprovision": false,
"labels": null,
"scope": "shared",
"driver": "rexray/s3fs",
"driverOpts": null
Now you just need to specify the mount point in the container definition:
"mountPoints": [
"readOnly": null,
"containerPath": "/where/ever/you/want",
"sourceVolume": "name-of-your-s3-bucket"
Now as long as you have appropriate IAM permissions for accessing the s3 bucket your container should start and you can get on with using s3 as a volume.
If you get an error running the task that says "ATTRIBUTE" double check that the plugin has been successfully installed on the ec2 instance and the ecs agent has been restarted. Also double check your driver name is "rexray/s3fs".