Concourse CI: leverage docker image cache

Max Romanovsky picture Max Romanovsky · Jun 10, 2017 · Viewed 7.9k times · Source

I totally understand that Concourse is meant to be stateless, but nevertheless is there any way to re-use already pulled docker images? In my case, I build ~10 docker images which have the same base image, but each time build is triggered Concourse pulls base image 10 times.

Is it possible to pull that image once and re-use it later (at least in scope of the same build) using standard docker resource?

Yeah, it should be possible to do that using custom image and code it in sh script, but I'm not in fond of inviting bicycles.

If standard docker resource does not allow that, is it possible to extend it somehow to enable such behaviour?

--cache-from is not helpful, as CI spends most of time pulling image, not building new layers.


materialdesigner picture materialdesigner · Jul 6, 2017


First, some Concourse theory (at least as of v3.3.1):

People often talk about Concourse having a "cache", but misinterpret what that means. Every concourse worker has a set of volumes on disk which are left around, forming a volume cache. This volume cache contains volumes that have been populated by resource get and put and task outputs.

People also often misunderstand how the docker-image-resource uses Docker. There is no global docker server running with your Concourse installation, in fact Concourse containers are not Docker containers, they are runC containers. Every docker-image-resource process (check, get, put) is run inside of its own runC container, inside of which there is a local docker server running. This means that there's no global docker server that is pulling docker images and caching the layers for further use.

What this implies is that when we talk about caching with the docker-image-resource, it means loading or pre-pulling images into the local docker server.


Now to the options for optimizing build times:



The load_base param in your docker-image-resource put tells the resource to first docker load an image (retrieved via a get) into its local docker server, before building the image specified via your put params.

This is useful when you need to pre-populate an image into your "docker cache." In your case, you would want to preload the image used in the FROM directive. This is more efficient because it uses Concourse's own volume caching to only pull the "base" once, making it available to the docker server during the execution of the FROM command.


You can use load_base as follows:

Suppose you want to build a custom python image, and you have a git repository with a file ci/Dockerfile as follows:

FROM ubuntu

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y python python-pip

If you wanted to automate building/pushing of this image while taking advantage of Concourse volume caching as well as Docker image layer caching:

- name: ubuntu
  type: docker-image
    repository: ubuntu

- name: python-image
  type: docker-image
    repository: mydocker/python

- name: repo
  type: git
    uri: ...

- name: build-image-from-base
  - get: repo
  - get: ubuntu
    params: {save: true}
  - put: python-image
      load_base: ubuntu
      dockerfile: repo/ci/Dockerfile

cache & cache_tag


The cache and cache_tag params in your docker-image-resource put tell the resource to first pull a particular image+tag from your remote source, before building the image specified via your put params.

This is useful when it's easier to pull down the image than it is to build it from scratch, e.g. you have a very long build process, such as expensive compilations

This DOES NOT utilize Concourse's volume caching, and utilizes Docker's --cache-from feature (which runs the risk of needing to first perform a docker pull) during every put.


You can use cache and cache_tag as follows:

Suppose you want to build a custom ruby image, where you compile ruby from source, and you have a git repository with a file ci/Dockerfile as follows:

FROM ubuntu

# Install Ruby
RUN mkdir /tmp/ruby;\
  cd /tmp/ruby;\
  curl | tar xz;\
  cd ruby-2.0.0-p247;\
  chmod +x configure;\
  ./configure --disable-install-rdoc;\
  make install;\
  gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc

RUN gem install nokogiri

If you wanted to automate building/pushing of this image while taking advantage of only Docker image layer caching:

- name: compiled-ruby-image
  type: docker-image
    repository: mydocker/ruby
    tag: 2.0.0-compiled

- name: repo
  type: git
    uri: ...

- name: build-image-from-cache
  - get: repo
  - put: compiled-ruby-image
      dockerfile: repo/ci/Dockerfile
      cache: mydocker/ruby
      cache_tag: 2.0.0-compiled


If you want to increase efficiency of building docker images, my personal belief is that load_base should be used in most cases. Because it uses a resource get, it takes advantage of Concourse volume caching, and avoids needing to do extra docker pulls.