Where is docker image location in Windows 10?

Purnima Naik picture Purnima Naik · Feb 15, 2017 · Viewed 103.5k times · Source

I' using Windows 10 Home operating system. I have installed Docker toolbox.

I have created docker image of my .net core application by using following command.

$  docker build -t helloWorld:core .

Now I want to ship this image, to other machine. But I am not getting image file.

Can someone please tell me, where my image will get saved? Or is there any way, to specify docker image path in docker build command.


John picture John · Nov 19, 2017

On Windows 10, right click on the docker icon in the system tray (right hand side of task bar) and choose Settings... In the Advanced pane, you'll see something like:

enter image description here