How to stop a deployed docker stack?

spw picture spw · Jan 24, 2017 · Viewed 17.4k times · Source

I just completed the beginners Docker tutorials and would like to know how to clean up.

I deployed a stack and with a few different service using the below command:

docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-stack.yml vote 

Is there away to stop all the containers associated with this stack, or do I have to stop them individually?


BMitch picture BMitch · Jan 24, 2017

You can remove a stack with:

docker stack rm vote

At present, this is still a detached operation that will take time to run in the background.

If for some reason you still want the stack and service definitions, you can scale the "replicated" services down to 0 replicas, and "global" services you can add a constraint that doesn't match any node.

docker service update --replicas 0 $service_name
docker service update --constraint-add node.labels.no_such_node=true $service_name