Docker: Error response from daemon: rpc error: code = 2 desc = "oci runtime error: exec format error"

Knows Not Much picture Knows Not Much · Apr 15, 2016 · Viewed 24.1k times · Source

I wrote the following docker file

FROM cloudera/quickstart

MAINTAINER abhishek ""

ADD ./SparkIntegrationTestsAssembly.jar /
ADD ./ /
ADD ./twitter.avro /

EXPOSE 8020 50070 50010 50020 50075 8030 8031 8032 8033 8088 8040 8042 10020 19888 11000 8888 18080 7077

RUN chmod +x /

i built my image using the command

docker build --tag foobar:auto .

The output of this command was

Sending build context to Docker daemon  93.1 MB
Step 1 : FROM cloudera/quickstart
 ---> 4239cd2958c6
Step 2 : MAINTAINER abhishek ""
 ---> Running in 3ad11fe4aa77
 ---> 22a2f2840475
Removing intermediate container 3ad11fe4aa77
Step 3 : ADD ./SparkIntegrationTestsAssembly.jar /
 ---> 1ebae604e632
Removing intermediate container 0f047ec885a8
Step 4 : ADD ./ /
 ---> 880cf4ff22aa
Removing intermediate container 0808ba44c97a
Step 5 : ADD ./twitter.avro /
 ---> 6978f2adf422
Removing intermediate container 43d812aaa3ae
Step 6 : EXPOSE 8020 50070 50010 50020 50075 8030 8031 8032 8033 8088 8040 8042 10020 19888 11000 8888 18080 7077
 ---> Running in af90e145f295
 ---> 6fcfb5ad934c
Removing intermediate container af90e145f295
Step 7 : RUN chmod +x /
 ---> Running in 4696faa2d330
 ---> 843ee5165937
Removing intermediate container 4696faa2d330
 ---> Running in 4caf6e225007
 ---> 81cca7ee3198
Removing intermediate container 4caf6e225007
Successfully built 81cca7ee3198

But when i try to run my container using

docker run --hostname=quickstart.cloudera --rm --privileged=true -t -i  -p "8020:8020" -p "50070:50070" -p "50010:50010" -p "50020:50020" -p "50075:50075" -p "8030:8030" -p "8031:8031" -p "8032:8032" -p "8033:8033" -p "8088:8088" -p "8040:8040" -p "8042:8042" -p "10020:10020" -p "19888:19888" -p "11000:11000" -p "8888:8888" -p "18080:18080" -p "7077:7077" foobar:auto

I get an error

docker: Error response from daemon: rpc error: code = 2 desc = "oci runtime error: exec format error".

My file looks like

service hadoop-hdfs-namenode restart
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p input
hdfs dfs -put /twitter.avro /input/twitter.avro
spark-submit --class com.abhi.HelloWorld --master local[1] SparkIntegrationTestsAssembly.jar /input/twitter.avro /output


gesellix picture gesellix · Apr 16, 2016

Did you post your complete The kernel tries to recognize the file type by looking at the first bytes of the executable. For scripts you need to add a so-called shebang line. You might need to add a shebang line at the very top of your, e.g.:

service hadoop-hdfs-namenode restart
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p input
hdfs dfs -put /twitter.avro /input/twitter.avro
spark-submit --class com.abhi.HelloWorld --master local[1] SparkIntegrationTestsAssembly.jar /input/twitter.avro /output