Docker apps logging with Filebeat and Logstash

Gianluca picture Gianluca · Oct 30, 2015 · Viewed 24.4k times · Source

I have a set of dockerized applications scattered across multiple servers and trying to setup production-level centralized logging with ELK. I'm ok with the ELK part itself, but I'm a little confused about how to forward the logs to my logstashes. I'm trying to use Filebeat, because of its loadbalance feature. I'd also like to avoid packing Filebeat (or anything else) into all my dockers, and keep it separated, dockerized or not.

How can I proceed?

I've been trying the following. My Dockers log on stdout so with a non-dockerized Filebeat configured to read from stdin I do:

docker logs -f mycontainer | ./filebeat -e -c filebeat.yml

That appears to work at the beginning. The first logs are forwarded to my logstash. The cached one I guess. But at some point it gets stuck and keep sending the same event

Is that just a bug or am I headed in the wrong direction? What solution have you setup?


Pete picture Pete · Nov 20, 2015

Here's one way to forward docker logs to the ELK stack (requires docker >= 1.8 for the gelf log driver):

  1. Start a Logstash container with the gelf input plugin to reads from gelf and outputs to an Elasticsearch host (ES_HOST:port):

    docker run --rm -p 12201:12201/udp logstash \
        logstash -e 'input { gelf { } } output { elasticsearch { hosts => ["ES_HOST:PORT"] } }'
  2. Now start a Docker container and use the gelf Docker logging driver. Here's a dumb example:

    docker run --log-driver=gelf --log-opt gelf-address=udp://localhost:12201 busybox \
        /bin/sh -c 'while true; do echo "Hello $(date)"; sleep 1; done'
  3. Load up Kibana and things that would've landed in docker logs are now visible. The gelf source code shows that some handy fields are generated for you (hat-tip: Christophe Labouisse): _container_id, _container_name, _image_id, _image_name, _command, _tag, _created.

If you use docker-compose (make sure to use docker-compose >= 1.5) and add the appropriate settings in docker-compose.yml after starting the logstash container:

log_driver: "gelf"
  gelf-address: "udp://localhost:12201"