I'm trying to minimize damage made by fork bombs inside of a docker container.
I'm using pam_limits
and /etc/security/limits.conf
file is
1000:1128 hard nproc 40
1000:1128 soft nproc 40
This means that any user with id in range [1000..1128] can have up to 40 processes. This works fine if I run forkbomb in shell by user with such id.
But when I run fork bomb inside a docker container these limits are not being applied, so when I run command
# docker run -u 1000 ubuntu bash -c ":() { : | : & }; :; while [[ true ]]; do sleep 1; done"
I have as much processes as possible and all these processes belong to user with id=1000.
What's wrong? How can I fix it?
When running a container, there is an option to limit the number of pids:
: Tune container pids limit (set -1 for unlimited)
The command would be:
docker container run --pids-limit 100 your-image
Reference: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/run/#options