Top "Docker-networking" questions

For questions about the network configuration of the docker service or of the containers running in it.

How can I forward a port from one docker container to another?

I commonly see solutions that expose a docker container's port to the host. In my case I want to forward …

docker portforwarding docker-networking
How to make Docker container accessible to other network machines through IP?

I need to create some docker containers that must be accessed by other computers at the same network. Problem is …

docker docker-networking
Multiple docker containers with same container port connected to the same network

I am having an app that depends on multiple docker containers. I use docker compose so that all of them …

docker networking docker-compose port docker-networking
Is there any way to flush the docker DNS cache (internal)?

I'm using Docker 18.03.1-ce and if I create a container, remove it and then re-create it, the internal DNS retains …

docker docker-networking
How to get all ip addresses on a docker network?

I have containers running in a swarm stack of services (on different docker-machines each) connected together on an overlay docker …

docker docker-swarm docker-networking
How to make Docker container see real user IP?

The problem Inside nginx-proxy Docker container (more info below), I always see the same IP adress for every connection: (which …

docker networking docker-networking jwilder-nginx-proxy firewalld
what URL can docker container A use to access another docker container B (same dev machine, different projects)

Assuming we need to do this very rarely only at certain stages of development (to smoke test a few api …

docker-compose docker-networking
docker connecting to host tunnel from container

I would like to connect from inside my docker container with a postgres db that is using a tunnel in …

docker ssh-tunnel docker-networking docker-container
Docker: Could not find an available, non-overlapping IPv4 address pool among the defaults to assign to the network

When I was trying to deploy my application with docker-compose I got back the following error: Creating network "<myapplicationnamehere_…

docker networking docker-compose docker-networking docker-network