Top "Do-while" questions

A do while loop, sometimes just called a do loop, is a control flow statement that allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a given Boolean condition.

do-while and while comparison

do-while: do { i++; ++j; System.out.println( i * j ); } while ((i < 10) && (j*j != 25)); I am learning about …

java loops while-loop do-while
Haskell - Do while loop

I'm new to Haskell and would be glad if someone would be willing to help me! I'm trying to get …

haskell while-loop do-while
How can I break out of my do/while loop?

void GasPump::dispense() { bool cont = true; char stop; do{ cout << "Press any key, or enter to dispense.\n" &…

c++ do-while
When would a do-while loop be the better than a while-loop?

This is a highly subjective question, so I'll be more specific. Is there any time that a do-while loop would …

java loops while-loop do-while
Using continue in a do-while loop

MDN states: When you use continue without a label, it terminates the current iteration of the innermost enclosing while, do-while …

javascript loops iteration do-while continue
Why do { } while(condition); needs semicolon at the end of it but while(condition) {} doesn't?

I always have problem with placing ; at the end of while or not placing it at the end of do …

c++ c while-loop do-while
do-while is the fastest loop in php?

I have profiled for, while and do-while loops with something simple: while ($var < 1000000) { ++$var; } do { ++$var; } while ($var < 1000000); …

php performance do-while
Limit do-while to running 7 times unless given the correct input

I was having trouble getting the do-while loop to stop after the user has attempted to guess the number 7 times. …

java while-loop java.util.scanner do-while do-loops