As an obsolete concept, the .NET Execution Environment contains the code required to bootstrap and run an application.
New aspnet has in-build dependency injection: Startup class instance receives services, controllers, view components do. Is there any way for …
c# dnxI've started a new Web API 2.0 project in ASP.NET 5. I try to create custom RoutePrefixAttribute class but I get …
c# dnxI am now using FileStreamResult and it works to stream a video, but can't seek it. It always starts again … dnxI have started a very simple "kick the tires" ASP.Net MVC (beta) project in VS2015 and am having an … visual-studio-2015 dnxI'm trying to setup a CI server for a website that I'm developing, but I can't find any info regarding …
msbuild teamcity dnxHere is the description of DNX: The .NET Execution Environment (DNX) is a software development kit (SDK) and runtime environment …
.net mono dnxScenario I'm experimenting with Visual Studio 2015 RC, specifically looking at switching to the new ASP.NET 5 framework, project structure and …
.net dnx .net-coreI've just started working with DNX 1.0.0-rc1-update1 in VS2015. My first app is a 'Console Application (package)' project. …
c# visual-studio-2015 dnx project.jsonI have a project which exists in a directory named Oracle and I would like the artifacts created to be …
dnx .net-core