Top "Dll" questions

A dynamic-link library (DLL) is a module that contains functions and data that can be used by another module (application or DLL).

How do you extract classes' source code from a dll file?

Is there any software to do this? I didn't find any useful information on the internet so I am asking …

c# dll reverse-engineering source-code-protection
Class not registered Error

Running an application from Visual Studio 2012 on 64-bit computers, displays the following error message: Retrieving the COM class factory for …

dll visual-studio-2012 com 64-bit 32-bit
Command line tool to dump Windows DLL version?

I need a command line tool to dump standard Windows DLL version info so I can process it by means …

dll command-line manifest versioninfo
How to get the location of the DLL currently executing?

I have a config file that I need to load as part of the execution of a dll I am …

c# .net dll file-io
Merge DLL into EXE?

I have two DLL files which I'd like to include in my EXE file to make it easier to distribute …

c# dll merge ilmerge
About inconsistent dll linkage

How can I remove this link warning? You can see code segment that causes this warning. static AFX_EXTENSION_MODULE …

c++ dll warnings linkage
Difference between .dll and .exe?

I want to know the exact difference between the dll and exe file.

windows dll exe
How do I find out which dlls an executable will load?

If I have a Windows executable, how can I find out which dlls it will load? I'm just talking about …

dll executable
How to call a method in DLL in a Java program

I am trying to call a method in a DLL using JNA. So far have loaded the DLL using Runtime.…

java dll java-native-interface jna
using a class defined in a c++ dll in c# code

I have a dll that was written in c++, I need to use this dll in my c# code. After …

c# c++ dll pinvoke