If you've gotten the file extensions messed up, how can you tell an executable apart from a DLL?
They both seem to have entry points and everything...
if anyone interested here is the code in C#, tested for 32 bit PE files.
public static class PECheck
public static bool IsDll(Stream stream)
using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
byte[] header = reader.ReadBytes(2); //Read MZ
if (header[0] != (byte)'M' && header[1] != (byte)'Z')
throw new Exception("Invalid PE file");
stream.Seek(64 - 4, SeekOrigin.Begin);//read elf_new this is the offset where the IMAGE_NT_HEADER begins
int offset = reader.ReadInt32();
stream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
header = reader.ReadBytes(2);
if (header[0] != (byte)'P' && header[1] != (byte)'E')
throw new Exception("Invalid PE file");
stream.Seek(20, SeekOrigin.Current); //point to last word of IMAGE_FILE_HEADER
short readInt16 = reader.ReadInt16();
return (readInt16 & 0x2000) == 0x2000;