Django - Simple custom template tag example

Pierre de LESPINAY picture Pierre de LESPINAY · Jun 23, 2011 · Viewed 78.1k times · Source

I have users, videos, topics, criterias and ratings

  • A video has a topic
  • A topic has criterias
  • A user can create a video for a given topic
  • A user can rate a video on each criterias given for the concerned topic.

You can see my original post Django - Rating Model Example DetailView Template to get details on the model used

I have extended a DetailView template based on the video model to put the list of ratings for the selected video for a given user as extra context.

class VideoFileDetailView(DetailView):
  model = VideoFile

  def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
    context = super(VideoFileDetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
    context['rates'] = VideoRate.objects.filter(video=self.object, user=self.request.user)
    return context

In the template pointed by the DetailView, I'd like to list the criterias of the video, and for each criteria display the current rating value form the user.

<div id="rating">
{% for crit in videofile.topic.crits.all %}
  {% for rate in rates %}
    {% if == %}
      {{ rate.rate }}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
      <div class="rateit"
        data-rateit-value="{# The rating value #}"
        crit-id="{{ }}"></div>
      {{ crit }}
{% endfor %}

(rateit is a jquery plugin that I use to draw pretty stars rating controls)

Actually I get my rating values here within the 2nd for but I'm sure there is a better way to do that. In fact, I'm still not sure about my model correctness.

Finally I'd like to replace {# The rating value #} by the rating value from rate for the current crit (in the loop). How can I do that ?


Pierre de LESPINAY picture Pierre de LESPINAY · Jun 27, 2011

Here is my solution (based on a custom tag):

Firstly create the file structure. Go into the app directory where the tag is needed, and add these files:


The templatetags/ file:

from django import template

register = template.Library()

def get_rate(crit, rates):
    return rates.get(crit=crit).rate

The template part, with our tag call:

{% load video_tags %}

<div id="rating">
{% for crit in videofile.topic.crits.all %}
      <div class="rateit"
        data-rateit-value="{% get_rate crit rates %}"
        crit-id="{{ }}"></div>
      {{ crit }}
{% endfor %}