Minimize the list filter in django-admin

abyx picture abyx · May 22, 2011 · Viewed 7k times · Source

I quite like the filter feature of django admin views (list_filter).

But, on views with a lot of fields, I would really like the ability to minimize/expand it with a click, to save screen real-estate and also because it sometimes actually hides stuff.

Is there an easy way to add a collapse button (some already existing plugin I haven't found or something similar)?


Jj. picture Jj. · May 22, 2011

Given that you now have jQuery in django admin, it's easy to bind a slideToggle() to the titles in the List Filter.

This seems enough Javascript for it to work:

// Fancier version 

;(function($){ $(document).ready(function(){
        var $title = $(this);

Then in the ModelAdmin subclass you want to activate that set the Media inner class:

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
  list_filter = ['bla', 'bleh']
  class Media:
    js = ['js/list_filter_collapse.js']

Make sure to drop the list_filter_collapse.js file in a 'js' folder inside your STATIC_DIRS or STATIC_ROOT (Depending on your Django version)