We have a Django application that requires a specific level of password complexity. We currently enforce this via client-side JavaScript which can easily be defeated by someone who is appropriately motivated.
I cannot seem to find any specific information about setting up server-side password strength validation using the django contrib built in views. Before I go about re-inventing the wheel, is there a proper way to handle this requirement?
I also went with a custom form for this. In urls.py
specify your custom form:
(r'^change_password/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.password_change',
{'password_change_form': ValidatingPasswordChangeForm}),
Inherit from PasswordChangeForm
and implement validation:
from django import forms
from django.contrib import auth
class ValidatingPasswordChangeForm(auth.forms.PasswordChangeForm):
def clean_new_password1(self):
password1 = self.cleaned_data.get('new_password1')
# At least MIN_LENGTH long
if len(password1) < self.MIN_LENGTH:
raise forms.ValidationError("The new password must be at least %d characters long." % self.MIN_LENGTH)
# At least one letter and one non-letter
first_isalpha = password1[0].isalpha()
if all(c.isalpha() == first_isalpha for c in password1):
raise forms.ValidationError("The new password must contain at least one letter and at least one digit or" \
" punctuation character.")
# ... any other validation you want ...
return password1