Django - after login, redirect user to his custom page -->

avatar picture avatar · Feb 2, 2011 · Viewed 104.5k times · Source

By default after login django redirects the user to an accounts/profile page or if you edit the LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL you can send the user to another page you specify in the

This is great but I would like the user (after login) to be redirected to a custom page where the link to that page would look something like this: So the default accounts/profile or the LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL settings would not work in this case since both are somehow static. In my case the username section of the address changes for every user.

Any ideas how I can make it so when the user is logged in would go to a custom user page that has user's name in the address like: ? Any input is truly appreciated.


Stu picture Stu · Aug 15, 2011

A simpler approach relies on redirection from the page LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL. The key thing to realize is that the user information is automatically included in the request.


LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/profiles/home'

and you have configured a urlpattern:

(r'^profiles/home', home),

Then, all you need to write for the view home() is:

from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.urls import reverse
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required

def home(request):
    return HttpResponseRedirect(

where NAME_OF_PROFILE_VIEW is the name of the callback that you are using. With django-profiles, NAME_OF_PROFILE_VIEW can be 'profiles_profile_detail'.