I rewrote a lot of my models, and since I am just running a test server, I do ./manage.py reset myapp to reset the db tables and everything has been working fine.
But I tried to do it this time, and I get an error,
"The full error: contraint owner_id_refs_id_9036cedd" of relation "myapp_tagger" does not exist"
So I figured I would just nuke the whole site and start fresh. So i did ./manage.py flush then did a syncdb this did not raise an error and deleted all my data, however it did not update the database since when I try to access any of my_app's objects, i get a column not found error. I thought that flush was supposed to drop all tables. The syncdb said that no fixtures were added.
I assume the error is related to the fact that I changed the tagger model to having a foreignkey with a name owner tied to another object.
I have tried adding related_name to the foreignkey arguments and nothing seems to be working.
I thought that flush was supposed to drop all tables.
No. According to the documentation, manage.py flush
doesn't drop the tables. Instead it does the following:
Returns the database to the state it was in immediately after syncdb was executed. This means that all data will be removed from the database, any post-synchronization handlers will be re-executed, and the initial_data fixture will be re-installed.
As stated in chapter 10 of The Django Book in the "Making Changes to a Database Schema" section,
merely creates tables that don't yet exist in your database — it does not sync changes in models or perform deletions of models. If you add or change a model's field, or if you delete a model, you’ll need to make the change in your database manually.
Therefore, to solve your problem you will need to either:
manage.py syncdb
. This is the process that I use when I'm still developing the database schema. I use an initial_data fixture to install some test data, which also needs to be updated when the database schema changes.