How to check current user's permissions from a Group in Django?

MiniGunnR picture MiniGunnR · Feb 6, 2017 · Viewed 19.9k times · Source

I have a group EuropartsBuyer and model named Product.

The following code adds a permission to the Product model.

class Meta:
        permissions = (
            ("can_add_cost_price", "Can add cost price"),

In one of my views I have the following code to add this permission to that group.

europarts_buyer, created = Group.objects.get_or_create(name='EuropartsBuyer')
add_cost_price = Permission.objects.get(codename='can_add_cost_price')

With the help of Django Admin I have added a user to the group EuropartsBuyer.

When I use the following code in another view

if request.user.has_perm('can_add_cost_price'):
    do something

the result is supposed to be True but it is showing False. Thus, the code under the if clause doesn't run.

I have imported the currently logged in user in Django shell and when I test the permission again it shows False.

What am I doing wrong here?


neverwalkaloner picture neverwalkaloner · Feb 6, 2017

Try this:

if request.user.has_perm('app_name.can_add_cost_price'):

From the docs:

where each perm is in the format 'app_label.permission codename'