I am writing a back-end in Django for a mobile app I am creating. I need to authenticate a user the first time they open the mobile app through SMS to verify it is a real person. What needs to happen is the following: user enters phone number in app, server then sends SMS message to user with authentication code, user then enters authentication code in app and server verifies that the code they entered in the app is the same one they received through SMS.
I need to use Twilio with my Django project. I just need to know what would be the best way to go about this? The front-end side of this (the mobile app) is not what I am asking about, I am asking about the code on the back-end that should be implemented. I am struggling to find up to date documentation for django-twilio integration that could do this.
Twilio evangelist and maintainer of django-twilio here.
What you're looking to build is something very easy to do, I can outline the steps for you here:
I hope that is clear, if you have any more questions, feel free to get in touch at [email protected]