django 1.7 migrations -- how do I clear all migrations and start over from scratch?

jononomo picture jononomo · Oct 9, 2014 · Viewed 36.5k times · Source

So I'm rapidly iterating on a django app at the moment and I'm constantly adjusting Over the course of a day or two of programming and testing I generate a couple dozen migration files. Sometimes I really tear the schema apart and completely re-do it. This causes the migration process to complain a great deal about defaults and null values and so on. If possible, I would just like to scratch all the migration stuff and re-start the migrations now that I finally know what I'm doing. My approach thus far has been the following:

  1. delete everything in the migrations folder except for
  2. drop into my PostgreSQL console and do: DELETE FROM south_migrationhistory WHERE app_name='my_app';
  3. while at the PostgreSQL console, drop all of the tables associated with my_app.
  4. re-run ./ makemigrations my_app - this generates a file in my migrations folder.
  5. run ./manage migrate my_app - I expect this command to re-build all my tables, but instead it says: "No migrations to apply."

What gives?

Also, is the south_migrationhistory database table still in play now that I've dumped South and have switched to Django 1.7?



jononomo picture jononomo · Oct 9, 2014

So the step-by-step plan I outlined in my question does work, but instead of deleting rows from the south_migrationhistory database table, I had to delete rows from the django_migrations database table.

The command is: DELETE FROM django_migrations WHERE app='my_app'

Once this is done, you will be able to re-run your migrations from scratch.