I have a fairly simple query I'd like to make via the ORM, but can't figure that out..
I have three models:
Location (a place), Attribute (an attribute a place might have), and Rating (a M2M 'through' model that also contains a score field)
I want to pick some important attributes and be able to rank my locations by those attributes - i.e. higher total score over all selected attributes = better.
I can use the following SQL to get what I want:
select location_id, sum(score)
from locations_rating
where attribute_id in (1,2,3)
group by location_id order by sum desc;
which returns
location_id | sum
21 | 12
3 | 11
The closest I can get with the ORM is:
Which returns
{'score__sum': 23}
i.e. the sum of all, not grouped by location.
Any way around this? I could execute the SQL manually, but would rather go via the ORM to keep things consistent.
Try this:
Rating.objects.filter(attribute__in=attributes) \
.values('location') \
.annotate(score = Sum('score')) \