Top "Django-generic-views" questions

Questions about Django’s built-in generic views, which helps you to avoid repeating common code patterns in every project.

Django detailview get_queryset and get_object

I am using Django detailview. initially, I used the URL pattern url(r'^todo/details/(?P<pk>[\d]+)…

django django-generic-views
Django Tutorial: Generic Views. Attribute Error

I'm at the last part of this tutorial. from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url from django.views.generic …

python django django-generic-views
Django: How to set a hidden field on a generic create view?

I'm running Django 1.6.x To extend my user I've added another model storing the data: class UserProfile (models.Model): user = …

django django-generic-views
Passing URL variables to a class based view

I have just started messing with class based views and I would like to be able to access variables from …

django class listview url django-generic-views
Bootstrap btn-block not working

I'm trying to expand the submit button so that it is the size of the password field. I am using …

twitter-bootstrap-3 django-generic-views
Django - Catch argument in Class based FormView

On my page, i need to display the post detail and a comment form for viewer to post comment. I …

python django django-generic-views
How does one use a custom widget with a generic UpdateView without having to redefine the entire form?

I have a model with a ManyToMany relation that I would like to update with a CheckBoxSelectMultiple widget while everything …

django django-forms django-generic-views
Using class based generic view DetailView with a ModelForm reveals a bug - how to proceed?

I've been impressed how rapidly a functional website can go together with generic views in the tutorials. Also, the workflow …

django django-generic-views modelform bug-reporting
Django: extend get_object for class-based views

Being a non-expert Python programmer, I'm looking for feedback on the way I extended the get_object method of Django's …

django subclassing django-generic-views