Top "Django-forms" questions

Specific questions related to forms with the Django web framework

How to use curl with Django, csrf tokens and POST requests

I'm using curl to test one of my Django forms. The calls I've tried (with errors from each, and over …

django curl django-forms csrf django-csrf
Can I make an admin field not required in Django without creating a form?

Every time I enter in a new player in the Admin portion of Django I get an error message that …

python django django-models django-admin django-forms
Can you change a field label in the Django Admin application?

As the title suggests. I want to be able to change the label of a single field in the admin …

python django django-admin django-forms
Django add extra field to a ModelForm generated from a Model

I have to generate a FormSet from a model but I need to insert an "extra value" in to every …

django japplet django-forms
Customize/remove Django select box blank option

I'm using Django 1.0.2. I've written a ModelForm backed by a Model. This model has a ForeignKey where blank=False. When …

python django django-models django-forms
How to get form field's id in Django?

Is there any way to get the id of a field in a template? In the HTML I get: <…

django django-forms django-templates
Change the width of form elements created with ModelForm in Django

How can I change the width of a textarea form element if I used ModelForm to create it? Here is …

python html django django-forms django-templates
Django Admin: Using a custom widget for only one model field

I have a DateTimeField field in my model. I wanted to display it as a checkbox widget in the Django …

python django django-forms django-admin django-widget
How do I get the values of all selected checkboxes in a Django request.POST?

Hi I have an array of checkboxes e.g. <input type="checkbox" name="checks[]" value="1" /> <input type="…

django django-forms
Django Forms: pass parameter to form

How do I pass a parameter to my form? someView().. form = StylesForm(data_dict) # I also want to pass in …

django django-forms