I have a fixed height ListView. It has divider between list items, but it also displays dividers after the last …
android listview dividerI want to generate a ListView that has some dividers between some of the entries, like it can be seen …
android android-listview dividerI using listviews and expandedviews that has dividers and I can set them but on spinner its looks like it …
android android-layout android-spinner dividerI'm developing a app that have a Listview, and the items from list already have a style I don't need …
android android-listview dividerBackground I have a menu item in the action bar (toolbar actually) that when clicked, shows a list of items …
android android-actionbar submenu android-toolbar dividerI'm trying to set a margin to a listview divider. The divider is a dashed line: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="…
android android-listview dividerI can't seem to get a customized divider, using a Drawable I've defined, to work when using a ListActivity and …
android android-listview drawable listactivity dividerI'm trying to create a theme for my first Android app, and it is driving me round the bend. I …
android themes spinner android-spinner divideri want to remove divider (space) between items of RecyclerView So try to set background of item view and RecyclerView …
android android-recyclerview dividerI'm trying to change the background image of vertical divider class, in Bootstrap. I have this menu: <div class="…
twitter-bootstrap navigation divider