Top "Dispatchevent" questions

java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent()'s purpose and behavior

Most of the tutorials and documentation that I've been reading seem to indicate that most component communication takes place by …

java swing components awt dispatchevent
AS3: Trigger artificial MouseEvent

I am converting a simple flash 'drumset' application to support TUIO multitouch using the tuio as3 reference implementation from http://…

actionscript-3 mouseevent dispatchevent
Uncaught InvalidStateError: Failed to execute 'dispatchEvent' on 'EventTarget': The event provided is null

I am getting weird behavior where Javascript event that I am trying to dispatch is not being interpreted as event …

javascript jquery jquery-events dispatchevent
Why firing a defined event with dispatchEvent doesn't obey the bubbling behavior of events?

I'm confused with the script below: var event = new Event('shazam'); document.body.addEventListener('shazam',function(){ alert('body'); }); document.addEventListener(…

javascript events event-bubbling dispatchevent