Top "Discord.js" questions


Discord.js - Getting users last activity?

I'm trying to find out if its possible to get the time/information of users last activity retrospectively using discord.…

javascript node.js discord discord.js
Add channel to category by name

var server = message.guild; for (var i = 0; i < server.channels.array().length; i++) { server.channels.array()[i].delete(); } server.…

javascript move categories channel discord.js
Deleting all channels in a server

I'm making a bot that auto-sets up a server, and I was wondering how to delete all channels and categories …

bots discord discord.js
Discord.js Display Server User Count separately from Server Bot Member Count

I am trying to create a serverinfo command for my Discord.js Bot. I am trying to get the Discord …

filter discord.js
(Discord.js) How do i get all the members connected to the voice channels of a category?

So, i'm making a command called "movedebat" to move all the members connected to the voice channels of a channel …

javascript discord.js commando
How do I disconnect a user from a voice channel in discord.js?

I don't know how to make the user leave the voice channel. I'm trying to make a verify thing, I …

javascript discord.js disconnect
Getting a user ID from a mention

I want to get a Users ID from a mention. I am making a user info command so the author …

javascript discord discord.js
Discord.js Embedded message multiple line value

The standard way of sending an embedded message is:{embed: { color: 3447003, title: "Test:", fields: [ { name: "Test 1", value="…

node.js discord discord.js
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "listener" argument must be of type Function

I have this little problem here: events.js:200 throw new errors.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('listener', 'Function', listener); ^ TypeError [ERR_…

node.js visual-studio discord.js
DeprecationWarning: Collection#find: pass a function instead

I'm quite a newbie to node.js and I'm currently using discord.js to make a Discord bot. As soon …

javascript node.js discord discord.js