Top "Directoryservices" questions


C# Active Directory PrincipalContext / UserPrincipal.IsMemberOf error

So I have a question I'm honestly not quite sure how to ask. Essentially I have a bit of code …

c# active-directory directoryservices
UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity throws exception - There is no such object on the server

I'm struggling with a simple scenario: I would like to retrieve my account from Active Directory using the username and …

c# active-directory directoryservices
Getting "The server could not be contacted." when trying to access active directory

I'm trying this code: public bool isTravelAdmin(string srvr, string usr, string password) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("I'm in isTravelAdmin!"); …

c# active-directory directoryservices
Cannot load System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement in ASP.NET VB site

I have been working on adding Active Directory functionality to an already existing ASP.NET website following this guide by … .net directoryservices account-management
How to register System.DirectoryServices for use in SQL CLR User Functions?

I am porting an old 32-bit COM component that was written in VB6 for the purpose of reading and writing …

.net sql-server-2008 active-directory sqlclr directoryservices
C# accessing active directory with different user credentials

There is a new user creation application that we have just provided our users. However these users need the ability …

c# .net active-directory directoryservices
GroupPrincipal.GetMembers fails when group (or child group if recursive) contains ForeignSecurityPrincipal

This is not so much a question as information for anyone experiencing the same problem. The following error occurs: System.…

c# active-directory directoryservices
UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity Permissions

I'm attempting to use the .NET System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement library to obtain the UserPrincipal for a particular Active Directory user. …

c# .net active-directory ldap directoryservices
list all local users using directory services

The following method I created seem does not work. An error always happens on foreach loop. NotSupportedException was unhandled...The …

c# .net directoryservices adsi directorysearcher