Top "Directory" questions

A directory or folder is a virtual container within a digital file system, in which groups of computer files and other directories can be kept and organized.

How can I rename a project folder from within Visual Studio?

My current solution for renaming the project folder is: Remove the project from the solution. Rename the folder outside Visual …

visual-studio directory projects-and-solutions
Getting all file names from a folder using C#

I wanted to know if it is possible to get all the names of text files in a certain folder. …

c# list text-files directory
How can I find script's directory with Python?

Consider the following Python code: import os print os.getcwd() I use os.getcwd() to get the script file's directory …

python directory django-views getcwd
Server.MapPath("."), Server.MapPath("~"), Server.MapPath(@"\"), Server.MapPath("/"). What is the difference?

Can anyone explain the difference between Server.MapPath("."), Server.MapPath("~"), Server.MapPath(@"\") and Server.MapPath("/")? path directory mapping filesystems
How to remove illegal characters from path and filenames?

I need a robust and simple way to remove illegal path and file characters from a simple string. I've used …

c# string path directory
Copying files from one directory to another in Java

I want to copy files from one directory to another (subdirectory) using Java. I have a directory, dir, with text …

java file directory copy
How to git ignore subfolders / subdirectories?

I have a lot of projects in my .Net solution. I would like to exclude all "bin/Debug" and "bin/…

git directory ignore gitignore
How to find all links / pages on a website

Is it possible to find all the pages and links on ANY given website? I'd like to enter a URL …

directory web-crawler
What characters are forbidden in Windows and Linux directory names?

I know that / is illegal in Linux, and the following are illegal in Windows (I think) * . " / \ [ ] : ; | , What else am I …

windows linux directory zip filenames
What are the ways to make an html link open a folder

I need to let users of an application open a folder by clicking a link inside a web page. The …

html directory hyperlink