Top "Dimensions" questions

Dimensions of an array define its size and shape -- the arangement of elements in the array.

How to return the number of dimensions of a (Variant) variable passed to it in VBA

Does anyone know how to return the number of dimensions of a (Variant) variable passed to it in VBA?

excel vba dimensions variant
JS - get image width and height from the base64 code

I have a base64 img encoded that you can find here. How can I get the height and the width …

javascript jquery image base64 dimensions
C++/Size of a 2d vector

How do I find the size of a 2 dimensional vector? So far I have the following code which doesn't compile. #…

c++ vector size dimensions
How to get the Dimensions of a Drawable in an ImageView?

What is the best way to retrieve the dimensions of the Drawable in an ImageView? My ImageView has an Init-Method …

android imageview dimensions
CUDA determining threads per block, blocks per grid

I'm new to the CUDA paradigm. My question is in determining the number of threads per block, and blocks per …

cuda dimensions nvidia matrix-multiplication
How to get the height and width of an ImageView/Bitmap in Android

I want to get the height and width of an image bitmap that is either in ImageView or a background …

android imageview android-bitmap dimensions
How to get scrollTop of an iframe

jQuery's scrollTop returns null when window is an iframe. Has anyone been able to figure out how to get scrollTop …

jquery iframe dimensions
How to set text size using dimension from xml at runtime programmatically?

In dimens.xml, I have: <dimen name="text_medium">18sp</dimen> In runtime, I get this …

android textview dimensions
How to specify the size of a graph in ggplot2 independent of axis labels

Say I have a data frame and want to make a plot df <- melt(iris) p <- …

r ggplot2 grid dimensions
JComboBox width

I have created a jComboBox but it takes the full width of the frame. how to set the width fixed. …

java swing jcombobox dimensions