Top "Diamond-operator" questions

The diamond operator (<>) is used in Perl for I/O and in Java for generics.

Maven project Error: Diamond/multicatch operator not supported in -source 1.5

I can't build my maven java web application, because of the following two errors: diamond operator is not supported in …

java maven web diamond-operator multi-catch
Why diamond operator is used for Type Inference in Java 7?

List<String> list = new ArrayList(); will result in compiler warning. However the following example compiles without any warning: …

java java-7 type-inference diamond-operator
Java 7 diamond operator and initialization with the derived class

class A {} class B extends A {} class Holder<T> { T object; Holder(T object) { this.object = object; } } There's …

java diamond-operator
Wildcards with diamond operator

If I am trying to do something like this : List<?> unknownList = new ArrayList<>(); then the code …

java generics wildcard diamond-operator
Diamond shorthand syntax not working javac

When I compile this: LinkedBlockingDeque<Integer> q = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(); in Eclipse Java EE Kepler version, everything …

java eclipse java-7 javac diamond-operator