Does anyone know how to make a p: dialog work with maximizable and also scroll?
If the window is maximized with the scroll it gets bugged and scrollbar disappears.
I am using p:dialog from primefaces.
having the same problem, I tried to develope a workaround. This now fixes missing vertical scroll bar for me:
Define following function as a workaround for PF issue #4879:
function fixPFDialogToggleMaximize(dlg){
if(undefined == dlg.doToggleMaximize) {
dlg.doToggleMaximize = dlg.toggleMaximize;
dlg.toggleMaximize = function() {
var marginsDiff = this.content.outerHeight() - this.content.height();
var newHeight = this.jq.innerHeight() - this.titlebar.outerHeight() - marginsDiff;
Declare the dialog you want to fix like this:
<p:dialog widgetVar="myDialog" maximizable="true" ...>
<script type="text/javascript">