Top "Dex" questions

.dex files are compiled Android application code files.

Is there a way to get a list of all classes from a .dex file?

I have a .dex file, call it classes.dex. Is there a way to "read" the contents of that classes.…

java android class dex dx
What is Smali Code Android

I am going to learn a little bit about Dalvik VM, dex and Smali. I have read about smali, but …

android dalvik dex vm-implementation smali
Multiple dex files define <my package>/BuildConfig, can't find the cause:

I'm using the new gradle build system and I'm facing the following problem: UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: …

java android gradle dex android-productflavors
How to solve the issue with Dalvik compiler limitation on 64K methods?

My team and I have inherited a large Android project from another team. The whole application with all the included …

android protocol-buffers dalvik dex
Android Studio: Error while generating the main dex list

I was trying to completely remove firebase dependencies from my project but I have manage somehow to completely screw my …

android gradle android-gradle-plugin dex
How to debug smali code of an android application?

I have a working android application. of which i dont have a source code. I would like to debug a …

android apk dex smali
64k limit exceeded on older APIs than lollipop, but not newer

So I am wondering why I encounter the 64k dex method limit when trying to run my app on android …

android gradle dex
Too many classes in --main-dex-list, main dex capacity exceeded

I'm trying to run instrumentation test cases but getting the below error while dex conversion UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION:…

android-gradle-plugin dex
Is there a way to get count of number methods used in a jar file

Can i have the count of all methods used in a jar file . My APK uses certain external JARS and …

java android dex
Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/android/gcm/GCMBaseIntentService;

I'm busy for a school assignment to create a timetable app which fetches data from my database by JSON. I …

android export dex