Top "Destructuring" questions

"Destructuring allows you to bind a set of variables to a corresponding set of values anywhere that you can normally bind a value to a single variable" ("Common Lisp the Language").

ES6 Destructuring in Class constructor

This may sound ridiculous but bear with me. I wonder if there is support on the language level to destructure …

javascript ecmascript-6 destructuring
Document destructured function parameter in JSDoc

Previously I've always documented my object parameters as follows: /** * Description of the function * * @param {Object} config - The configuration * @param {…

arguments ecmascript-6 jsdoc destructuring
React hooks: How do I update state on a nested object with useState()?

I have a component that receives a prop that looks like this: const styles = { font: { size: { value: '22', unit: …

javascript reactjs destructuring
How to destructure object properties with key names that are invalid variable names?

As object keys are strings they can contain any kind of characters and special characters. I recently stumbled upon an …

javascript ecmascript-6 destructuring
React - defaultProps vs ES6 default params when destructuring (performances issues)

I just came across a question about React performances when settings default values in one of my stateless functional components. …

performance reactjs ecmascript-6 destructuring
What is the shortest way to modify immutable objects using spread and destructuring operators

I'm looking for a pure function, to modify my immutable state object. The original state given as parameter must stay …

javascript destructuring ecmascript-next
React-native animated.event custom onScroll listener

In official react-native documentation there is a section about Animated.event method. As example they use following code: onScroll={Animated.…

reactjs react-native ecmascript-6 destructuring
How can I ignore certain returned values from array destructuring?

Can I avoid declaring a useless variable when array destructuring when I am only interested in array values beyond index 0? …

javascript arrays destructuring
ES6 destructuring within a return statement

Is it possible to destructure an object while returning it at the same time. For example, to change this code: …

javascript ecmascript-6 destructuring
Destructure object properties inside array for all elements

In its most basic form, having an array of objects: let arr = [ {val:"a"}, {val:"b"} ]; How can destructuring be …

javascript destructuring