Top "Dependency-properties" questions

A property in WPF and Silverlight that can be set through methods such as, styling, data binding, animation, and inheritance.

WPF: PropertyChangedCallback triggered only once

I have a user control, which exposes a DependencyProperty called VisibileItems Every time that property gets updated, i need to …

c# .net wpf dependency-properties propertychanged
Unity Static Property Injection

I have two classes, one which sets up the container by registering types and one which contains a static property …

c# unity-container containers dependency-properties property-injection
Must create DependencySource on same Thread as DependencyObject

I have an application written in wpf, which downloads some webpages, parses html code and saves some values. class ListOfItems { …

c# wpf multithreading datagrid dependency-properties
How to propagate PropertyChanged changes in DependencyProperty

I have a class which implements INotifyPropertyChanged. An instance of this class is declared as a DependencyProperty in a Window, …

c# wpf xaml data-binding dependency-properties
When to use Dependency Properties

I sometimes think I maybe using Dependency Properties unnecessarily. When do I need to use it? When I have a …

c# wpf dependency-properties
MultiTrigger: Condition Binding to DependencyProperty doesn't work

I have a custom button MainMenuButton of type UserControl and atm I'm styling it. Now I wanted to implement a …

c# wpf dependency-properties multitrigger
WPF design time error Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Ok I am getting sick of this problem. I am trying to make UserControl where I can populate its content …

wpf xaml dependency-properties observablecollection design-time
Dependency Property dependent on another

How can one register a dependency property whose value is calculated using the value of another dependency property? Because the .…

wpf dependency-properties linkage
What's the framework mechanism behind dependency properties?

I have been reading about dependency properties in several books but all have one thing in common, they just tell …

c# wpf dependency-properties
How to subscribe to change DependencyProperty?

Possible Duplicate: Listen to changes of dependency property Excuse me for my English. I need to create a class that …

c# .net wpf dependency-properties