How can I sanitize a string for use as a filename?

Mason Wheeler picture Mason Wheeler · Jun 7, 2009 · Viewed 21.2k times · Source

I've got a routine that converts a file into a different format and saves it. The original datafiles were numbered, but my routine gives the output a filename based on an internal name found in the original.

I tried to batch-run it on a whole directory, and it worked fine until I hit one file whose internal name had a slash in it. Oops! And if it does that here, it could easily do it on other files. Is there an RTL (or WinAPI) routine somewhere that will sanitize a string and remove invalid symbols so it's safe to use as a filename?


Alex picture Alex · Jun 7, 2009

You can use PathGetCharType function, PathCleanupSpec function or the following trick:

  function IsValidFilePath(const FileName: String): Boolean;
    S: String;
    I: Integer;
    Result := False;
    S := FileName;
      I := LastDelimiter('\/', S);
      MoveFile(nil, PChar(S));
      if (GetLastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) or
           (GetFileAttributes(PChar(Copy(S, I + 1, MaxInt))) = INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
         ) then
      if I>0 then
        S := Copy(S,1,I-1);
    until I = 0;
    Result := True;

This code divides string into parts and uses MoveFile to verify each part. MoveFile will fail for invalid characters or reserved file names (like 'COM') and return success or ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS for valid file name.

PathCleanupSpec is in the Jedi Windows API under Win32API/JwaShlObj.pas