How to create Telnet Client with Delphi 5

BD. picture BD. · May 22, 2009 · Viewed 8.4k times · Source

How do I create a Telnet Client inside of a Delphi 5 application?


Wouter van Nifterick picture Wouter van Nifterick · May 22, 2009

ICS (Internet Component Suite) by Francois Piette has got some useful components:

It'll give you telnet protocol support, a terminal emulator and some stuff to help you scripting. It's easy to use, and it's all free.

From the site:

  • TTnCnx - TELNET client protocol support.

  • TEmulVT - ANSI terminal emulation (like a TMemo but with ANSI escape sequences interpretation).

  • TTnEmulVT - TELNET and ANSI terminal emulation combined into a single component. You can build a full telnet client program in only a few lines of code.

  • TTnScript - TELNET scripting component. Used to automate work with telnet session (such as auto login and password).

And there are some example applications to show how to use it:

  • TnClient - A full featured TELNET client program with ANSI terminal emulation.

  • TnDemo - A TELNET client using a TMemo to display incoming data.

  • TnSrv - A basic event-driven server. Can support any number of concurrent clients. The base for any real world server. See also TcpSrv, MtSrv (multi-threaded) and MidWare for a complete client/server framework.