SOAP client in Delphi "The handle is in the wrong state for the requested operation"

Warren  P picture Warren P · Nov 18, 2011 · Viewed 12.2k times · Source

I have built the worlds dumbest and most simple SOAP server, in about 3 clicks, in visual studio. The exact steps in visual studio 2010: First create a new project as a web application, Then add a new item of type web service. (See accepted answer here for picture.) That soap server service Service1 has a simple method GetData:

A snippet from clientService1.pas, created using WSDL importer...

  IService1 = interface(IInvokable)
    function  GetData(const value: Integer): string; stdcall;
    function  GetDataUsingDataContract(const composite: CompositeType2): CompositeType2; stdcall;

When I try to run this method, like this:

procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
 rio : THTTPRIO;
 addr : string;
 data : string;
    //addr := '....'; // url from visual studio 2010 live debug instance.
    rio := THTTPRIO.Create(nil);
    sv := GetIService1( true, addr, rio );
        data := sv.GetData(  0);

        Button1.Caption := data;

        sv := nil;


The error I get is this:

 The handle is in the wrong state for the requested operation -    
 URL:http://localhost:8732/Design_Time_Addresses/WcfServiceLibrary1/Service1/ -      

The URL works fine when I paste the url above into a web browser, so the usual answer that the SOAP code in Delphi has the tendency to not notice an HTTP failure, does not seem likely. Rather it seems that I am either (a) experiencing breakage in WinInet (known to happen in some versions of windows), or (b) doing something wrong?

It seems to me that anybody who has visual studio and delphi both installed, should be able to try to get the dummy starter Soap server in Visual Studio talking to the soap client in Delphi, without any effort at all. But I can not figure out the simplest things.


Arjen van der Spek picture Arjen van der Spek · Nov 19, 2011

At one time there was a discussion about the error in a conversation now long since deleted from Embarcadero forums, by Bruneau Babet, an embarcadero staffer.

Bruno said:


I've posted a patched version of SOAPHTTPTrans.pas that contains a fix for this issue here:

[forum link redacted, it didn't work anymore anyways, the post is gone]

You may still override the event as described in the C++Builder section referred; or, much simpler, at least for Delphi users, simply add the updated SOAPHTTPTrans.pas to your app's project. Let us know if that does not work for you.



You can get the repair and the notes about it in its original forum formatting from the following pastebin link and on bitbucket so you don't have to extract the file from the surrounding text.

Warren Update 2016: I have been informed by someone who tried to use the fix on Delphi XE that this fix does NOT work for them in Delphi XE. Any further updates to the code in bitbucket that resolve the remaining bugs would be appreciated.