What component should I use to display a PDF file in a Delphi 2009 application?
I have been using PDF Viewer by Synactis - a very nice free PDF Viewer But it has no Delphi 2009 support.
So I need to designing it out of the product
We embedded the Acrobat Reader in our Delphi application. Take a look at this article "How to embed Adobe Acrobat into your application". Once you have added the Acrobat Reader ActiveX component to your Form you can use following code:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
// This example assumes that you have a TOpenDialog
// and TPdf dropped onto your form
OpenDialog1.Filter := 'PDF Files (*.pdf)|*.pdf';
if OpenDialog1.Execute then
Pdf1.src := OpenDialog1.FileName;
There is native Delphi components out there but embedding the Acrobat Reader component served our needs.