Delphi TQuery save to csv file

RBA picture RBA · Apr 15, 2011 · Viewed 30.8k times · Source

I want to export content of a TQuery to a CSV file without using a 3d part component(Delphi 7). From my knowledge this can not be accomplished with Delphi standard components.

My solution was to save the content in a StringList with a CSV format, and save it to a file.

Is there any comfortable solution?

PS:I don't want to use JvCsvDataSet or any component. Question is: can this be accomplished only with Delphi 7 or higher standard components?

Thank you in advance!


Ken White picture Ken White · Apr 15, 2011

Of course it can.

You just have to do the work to properly output the CSV content (quoting properly, handling embedded quotes and commas, etc.). You can easily write the output using TFileStream, and get the data using the TQuery.Fields and TQuery.FieldCount properly.

I'll leave the fancy CSV quoting and special handling to you. This will take care of the easy part:

  Stream: TFileStream;
  i: Integer;
  OutLine: string;
  sTemp: string;
  Stream := TFileStream.Create('C:\Data\YourFile.csv', fmCreate);
    while not Query1.Eof do
      // You'll need to add your special handling here where OutLine is built
      OutLine := '';
      for i := 0 to Query.FieldCount - 1 do
        sTemp := Query.Fields[i].AsString;
        // Special handling to sTemp here
        OutLine := OutLine + sTemp + ',';
      // Remove final unnecessary ','
      SetLength(OutLine, Length(OutLine) - 1);
      // Write line to file
      Stream.Write(OutLine[1], Length(OutLine) * SizeOf(Char));
      // Write line ending
      Stream.Write(sLineBreak, Length(sLineBreak));
    Stream.Free;  // Saves the file