What are good uses for class helpers?

Toon Krijthe picture Toon Krijthe · Oct 31, 2008 · Viewed 14.2k times · Source

Delphi (and probably a lot of other languages) has class helpers. These provide a way to add extra methods to an existing class. Without making a subclass.

So, what are good uses for class helpers?


gabr picture gabr · Oct 31, 2008

I'm using them:

  • To insert enumerators into VCL classes that don't implement them.
  • To enhance VCL classes.
  • To add methods to the TStrings class so I can use the same methods in my derived lists and in TStringList.

    TGpStringListHelper = class helper for TStringList
      function  Last: string;
      function  Contains(const s: string): boolean;
      function  FetchObject(const s: string): TObject;
      procedure Sort;
      procedure Remove(const s: string);
    end; { TGpStringListHelper }
  • To simplify access to record fields and remove casting.