I'm getting data using a query in Delphi, and would like to add a calculated field to the query before it runs. The calculated field is using values in code as well as the query so I can't just calculate it in SQL.
I know I can attach an OnCalcFields
Event to actually make the calculation, but the problem is after adding the calculated field there are no other fields in the query...
I did some digging and found that all of the field defs are created but the actual fields are only created
if DefaultFields then
Default Fields is specified
procedure TDataSet.DoInternalOpen;
FDefaultFields := FieldCount = 0;
Which would indicate that if you add fields you only get the fields you added.
I would like all the fields in the query AS WELL AS the ones I Add.
Is this possible or do I have to add all the fields I'm using as well?
Nothing prevents you from creating all the fields first in your code,
then add your calculated fields.
You can either use a "hacked type" to use the protected CreateFields:
THackQuery = class(TADOQuery)
or borrowing some code from CreateFields:
// create all defaults fields
for I := 0 to MyQuery.FieldDefList.Count - 1 do
with MyQuery.FieldDefList[I] do
if (DataType <> ftUnknown) and not (DataType in ObjectFieldTypes) and
not ((faHiddenCol in Attributes) and not MyQuery.FIeldDefs.HiddenFields) then
CreateField(Self, nil, MyQuery.FieldDefList.Strings[I]);
then create your calculated fields:
MyQueryMyField := TStringField.Create(MyQuery);
with MyQueryMyField do
Name := 'MyQueryMyField';
FieldKind := fkCalculated;
FieldName := 'MyField';
Size := 10;
DataSet := MyQuery;