frxPDFexport and frxReport component in Fast Reports 4 does not export high quality images

nykolas picture nykolas · Oct 17, 2013 · Viewed 9.2k times · Source

I using FR4 VCL components in a software written in Delphi 7. In some reports i using images with high quality. But when i'm trying to export report to a PDF file using frxPDFExport component, the quality of images in exported PDF are poor.

frxPDFExport.Filename := 'D:\temp\exported_files\example.pdf';

I changed the properties of my frxPDFExport component, but it doesn't helped me. The changes that i applied to frxPDFExport:

    Compressed: False;
    PrintOptimized: False;
    OpenAFterExport : true;
    UseFileCache: true;
    HTML Tags: true;

If you can, please provide the solution of my problem.
