How to programmatically alter Font properties in Firemonkey controls

Anthoni Gardner picture Anthoni Gardner · Dec 14, 2012 · Viewed 8.3k times · Source

I have some code that paints a set of controls laid on top of a TImage. I then grab the TImage's MakeScreenshot to save out the file. This now works perfectly. What I am now struggling with is changing the font properties of one or more labels / text style controls. No matter what I try, the label does not change. Below is my sample code :-

procedure TfrmSnapshot.Process;
  LRect1, LRect2, LRect3, LRect4: TRectF;
  X, Y, W, H: Integer;

X := Round(Label1.Position.X);
Y := Round(Label1.Position.Y);
W := Round(X + Label1.Width);
H := Round(Y + Label1.Height);
LRect1.Create(X, Y, W, H);

X := Round(Label2.Position.X);
Y := Round(Label2.Position.Y);
W := Round(X + Label2.Width);
H := Round(Y + Label2.Height);
LRect2.Create(X, Y, W, H);

X := Round(Label3.Position.X);
Y := Round(Label3.Position.Y);
W := Round(X + Label3.Width);
H := Round(Y + Label3.Height);
LRect3.Create(X, Y, W, H);

X := Round(Rect1.Position.X);
Y := Round(Rect1.Position.Y);
W := Round(X + Rect1.Width);
H := Round(Y + Rect1.Height);
LRect4.Create(X, Y, W, H);

Label1.Text := fTitle;
Label1.Font.Size := 40.0;
Label2.Text := fSub;
Label3.Text := fSite;

With imgSnap.Bitmap Do
  Label1.Font.Size = 40; //Does not work
  Label1.Font.Family = 'Arial'; //Does not work
  Label1.PaintTo(Canvas, LRect1);
  Label2.PaintTo(Canvas, LRect2);
  Label3.PaintTo(Canvas, LRect3);
  Rect1.PaintTo(Canvas, LRect4);


How do I set the fonts of the labels so that they are painted properly and thus included in the screenshot ?

Regards Anthoni


AvgustinTomsic picture AvgustinTomsic · Dec 28, 2012

In firemonkey TLabel properties Font.Family and Font.Size are styled. If you want change font size or family in the code, you need to disable styling on this properties. To change this, set properly property StyledSettings.


Label1.StyledSettings:=Label1.StyledSettings -[TStyledSetting.ssFamily,TStyledSetting.ssSize]